Have fun scrolling through our growing list of preschool printables created for age 4 and above!
For most of the activities below, you can just click-and-print. If you wish to re-use the printables, you can:
- Laminate the sheets
- Use velcro dots instead of glue
P.S: All of the printable activities on this website are for personal use or single classroom use only. If you wish to share the freebie with your friends or family or anyone, be sure to share this blog’s link for them to download their own copy.

By Season & Holidays
If you are looking for preschool printables by season or specific holidays, scroll through this list:
Halloween Preschool Printables
Thanksgiving Preschool Printables
Christmas Preschool Printables
Dot Printables
This type of printable is great to use with your toddler or preschool. There are many ways to use these Dot Activities:
- Dot the dots using do-a-dot markers
- Grab your dot stickers supply and have your kids put the dot sticker on the dots
- Let your kids color the dots with the matching colors
Dot Sticker Color Pattern Cards
Easter Bunny and Carrots Dot Printables
Fall Leaves Do-a-Dot Printables
Lifecycle Printables Activities
Many times it is challenging to teach little kids that some things have to go through their own process.
But I found that, when my kids do the lifecycle printable activities, they begin to understand the concept of process. For instance, before a frog becomes a frog, it was a swimming tadpole. Feel free to scroll our lifecycle printable growing list below.
Apple Eating Sequence Activity
Apple Tree Lifecycle Printables
Butterfly Lifecycle Printables
Pattern Printables
The pattern printables below mostly are about introducing preschoolers to ABAB patterns.
ABAB pattern is the most basic and simple pattern that kids learn. You can just click-and-print these printables, or you can laminate-velcro the sheets to reuse them.
Easter Jellybean Pattern Printables
Fall Leaves ABAB Pattern Printables
Pumpkin Latte Pattern Preschool Printables
Spring Animals Pattern Worksheets
Pre-Writing Tracing Printables
I started creating tracing printables because my little girl loved to trace on her storybooks and any lines she met.
The first tracing sheet that I created for her was the Farm tracing printables. It became a hit instantly and that inspire me to create more tracing activities for her. The growing list below is in alphabetical order.
Gingerbread Man Pre-Writing Tracing Activity
Christmas Tracing Horizontal Lines
Christmas Tracing Vertical Lines
Christmas Tracing Diagonal Zigzag Lines
Christmas Pre-Writing Tracing Printables
Penguin Pre-Writing Tracing Activity
Spring Rainy Day Pre-Writing Tracing
Spring Frogs Tracing Printables
Thanksgiving Tracing Activity Pack
Puzzle Printables
Your little ones will enjoy piecing the puzzle together according to their colors or types.
Piecing the puzzle together is among the many first steps towards introducing your preschoolers to letters and number symbols.
Shadow Matching Printables
Shadow matching activity is quite fun but a bit challenging activity for preschoolers.
Your kids will enjoy the adventure of paying attention to the detail of things for them to find the matching shadows. In a fancy word, shadow matching is one of the great activities for visual discrimination.
Fall Leaves Shadow Matching Printables
Firefighter Shadow Matching Printables
Owl Shadow Matching Activities
Safari Animals Shadow Matching Printables
Shape Activities Printables
In this shape activity growing list, there are shape tracing sheets, color by shapes printables and shape sorting activities.
Apple Shape Sorting Printables
Firefighter Shape Tracing Printables
Space Shape Matching Printables
Sorting Printables
The activities in this list are about learning to categorize a group of objects. Try them out, your kids will love it!
Back to School Bus Sorting by Emotions
Back to School Crayon Sorting by Color
Letter Activities
This is a growing list of alphabet letter preschool printables activities; created especially for preschoolers and kindergarten.
They are perfect for your kids who are just beginning to learn their letters. I would suggest that you start with Letter Matching Activities or Letter Sorting Activities. These types of activities introduce little kids to the look of the letters.
Same Case Letter Matching
Back to School Lowercase Letter Matching Printables
Back to School Uppercase Letter Matching Printables
Crabs Lowercase Letter Matching Printables
Firefighter Lowercase Letter Matching Printables
Ocean Animals Lowercase Letter Matching Printables
Owl Match and Clip Cards (Lowercase to Lowercase Letter Matching)
Popsicle Dot Stickers ABC Matching Printables
Watermelon Slice Dot Stickers ABC Matching Cards
Watermelon Dot Stickers ABC Matching Printables
Lowercase-Uppercase Letter Matching
Back to School ABC Matching Printables
Cactus ABC Matching Printables
Fall Treats ABC Matching Printables
Pumpkin ABC Matching Printables
Spider ABC Matching Printables
Watermelon ABC Matching Printables
Letter Maze Printables
Thanksgiving 3-Steps Letter Maze
Christmas Lowercase Letter Maze
Letter Sorting Mat
Winter Hot Chocolate Letter Sorting Mat
Thanksgiving Letter Sorting Mat
Beginning Sounds Printables
Christmas Beginning Sounds Puzzle
Halloween Beginning Sounds Puzzle
Letter A Beginning Sounds Activities
Letter C Beginning Sounds Activities
Pumpkin Beginning Sounds Puzzle
Sight Word Reader
Counting and Numbers
Little kids get bored easily. That’s why to learn counting and numbers, there are a few types of math printables. There are times my kids love only I Spy games. But there are also times when they only want to number puzzles. Check out our exciting Math printables for preschool below.
Color by Number
Counting Mat
Feed the Narwhal Counting Printables
Count and Clip Cards
Fall Addition Count and Clip Cards
Fourth of July Count and Clip Cards
Halloween Count and Clip Cards
Ocean Animals Count and Clip Cards
I Spy Games
Fourth of July I Spy Printables
Number Charts
Fall Leaves Number Charts 1 to 10
Apple-theme Number Charts 1 to 10
Number Recognition
Apples Number Recognition Printables
Bugs Number Recognition Printables
Cars & Road Number Matching Printables
Cars Number Recognition Printables
Fall Quantity Matching Printables
Fourth of July Number Recognition Printables
Scarecrow Number Recognition Sheets
Spider Number Matching Printables
Number Puzzles
Fall Leaves Number Puzzle 1 to 10
Fourth of July Number Puzzle 1 to 10
Halloween Number Puzzle 1 to 10
Halloween Number Puzzle 11 to 20
Ten Frames Printables
Earth Day 10-Frames Printables
Ladybugs Match the 10-Frames Printables
Digital Activities (non-PDF)
Back to School Counting Boom Cards
Ocean Animals Counting Boom Cards
Popsicles Counting Activities for Google Slides™
More Preschool Printables Pack
Check out our Teachers Pay Teachers store for more exciting preschool printable packet, where you can download a lot of activities in just one PDF!