Pasta Color Sorting Activity With Toddler
Recently we bought pasta with Space theme and Sports theme. The pasta’s shapes were according to each theme.

For space theme, it has the shape of sun, star, astronaut, planet and many more.
For sports theme, it has the shape of badminton racket, football, and more.
The kids love it because of it’s shape, not much for eating purpose ?
Well, we did boil and cook some of the pastas, but they were more interested to play with them rather than chew the cooked cute pastas.
Those pastas also has 3 different colors. So I thought while we were playing sensory play with them, why don’t we do color sorting as well.
Our materials :
• 3 flat boxes. You can also use any tray
• 3 different color pastas
How to do it :
1. Put all pastas in one box tray
2. Then we start to sort it according to it’s color by saying out loud ‘This is red’ and ‘This is green’
Red is put in the red territory. Green is in green territory and yellow in it’s territory.

It really helps Miss 3 to identify the difference between colors and shapes.
After getting done with sorting according to the color, Miss 3 pour it together once again.

We also sort them according to it’s shape as well.
Sun shape pasta is put with all the sun shapes, while star shaped pastas are grouped with star shapes.

Miss 3 love this activity so much. She can focus doing them for nearly an hour. Well, there’s a lot of pastas there.
If you wish to find quiet activity for your toddler, I highly suggest to add this activity in your bucket list. Give it a try, who knows you can get a little me-time once a while.