Counting Leaves on Trees Printable : FREE Counting 1-10
Fall is coming, and it will be fun to do some counting with those colorful leaves!
I am excited to share with you our latest exciting printables, Counting Leaves on Trees.
And while at it, you might want to let your kids know that even though the leaves are falling, it doesn’t mean that the tree is dying, ok?
My kids are quite sad to see the leafless fall tree, until we explain to them about the tree lifecyle.
Counting Leaves on Trees
This printable is a no-prep activity.
Well, unless you are not prepared to let your kids use the scissors by themselves, you can always pre-cut all the leaves.
I usually cut them using paper cutter to make the prepping work smoother.

How to Do This Counting Leaves on Tree Printables
There are 10 trees. Each tree has their own numbers and leaves’ silhouette.
Let your child count the leaves’ silhouette and paste the leaves accordingly.

This activity is perfect for kids who are beginning to learn about counting the number 1 to 10.
Ready to paste some leaves?
Get Your Download!
Grab your free Counting Leaves on Trees Printables by clicking on the download button below.
Have fun!
For more FREE Counting 1 to 10 Printables, check the following post.