Owl Count and Clip Card : 20 Easy Sets for Preschoolers
Miss 5 loves owl and currently, she is into the counting mood. So I made Owl Count and Clip Card (as an addition to our growing printable collections) also serve as Counting Mat.
Well, Miss 5 prefer to scribble something on the paper rather than use the clothespin.
Tips to Start Teaching Kids About Counting
Counting things for kids can begin as early as they are baby.
Even though baby won’t understand the concept yet, but we can always count while we interact with them. For example, while folding their cloth, we count together- “1, 2, 3 pink rompers.” or “Here are your 2 blue pants.”
Baby love it when we talk to them. Baby also a great observant. They will observe and if we do it consistently, baby will eventually grab the concept.
For toddlers, they usually love to count their food such as fries, rice, cereal loops and fruits. It’s also fun to count the staircase with the kids while going up or going down.
Toddlers such as our Miss 3 also already begin to understand the concept of less and more, who has less and who has more.

Miss 5 Start to Count by Herself
Every child has their own pace. For Miss 5, just recently she shows some interest to counting. She will be entering 6-years old end of next month.
Thus, I created the Owl Count and Clip Card just to check whether she know how to count, and if she knows what quantity match to what number symbol.
For kids, numbers are just symbol. They will appreciate the symbol when they get the meaning.
Once I printed the Owl Count and Clip Card, Miss 5 started circling the numbers on the card. She didn’t count anything loudly, it made me nervous. She just do it silently by herself without asking my help.
And Girl, she got all the right answer!
I was so amazed!
I think Miss 5 practice counting while our family members grow.
Owl Count and Clip Card
Basically our Owl Count and Clip Card has picture of owls, and beneath them it has 3 number options.

Kids need to clip at the right number in response to the owl’s picture. Our card starts at 1 owl, then 2 owls, then 3 owls and so forth.
This set has number from 1 to 10 especially made for preschoolers who is still learning the number concept 1 – 10 .
Preparing the Activity
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To prepare for this activity, you will need these materials:

- Printer – the most important thing to print the FREE printable
- Optional :
- Laminating Machine – If you wish to reuse the copy, it’s good to always laminate the card. After your kids finish doing it, you can always keep it to be reused.
- Clothespin – If your kids like to pinch the clothespin, prepare the supplies in their favorite color.
We use Owls of various colors which are blue, purple, pink, red, purple, green. It would be lovely to pin each card using colors that match the owl. But it doesn’t matter if you have only one clothespin color.

Great for Testing Counting Skill
For Miss 5 and me, this activity is great for us to test whether she already know the counting and number concept, or not yet. Once she master basic of counting, we can move to addition, subtractions and more.

If your kids or your class love owl illustrations, I highly recommend that you let them try our Owl Counting Clip Card. And let them choose how they want to answer – either using clothespin, or pencil color, or pen marker, or even rubber eraser!
Let’s make learning fun and engaging!

Download Your Freebie
Click the button below to download your free Owl Count & Clip Cards. Have fun!