Spider Do-a-Dot Printables : FREE 2 Spiders
My 17-months old baby love do-a-dot activity so much!
She love to play it using the colorful vibrant dot stickers.
Hence today, I am sharing with you our newest fun Do-a-Dot Printables, the Spider Do-a-Dot.
P.s : This activity will also be perfect as an addition to your Halloween printable activities.
This is a no-prep printable activity that you would instantly love!

Spider Do-a-Dot Printables
Although this is a ‘just print and play’ activity, if you wish to reuse it, it is recommended for you to laminate the copy before activity.
Now, pull out your do-a-dot marker or dot sticker supply, and get ready for spider fun activity!
How to Play With Spider Do-a-Dot Printables
Dot on the white dots on the spider. Or if you are using dot sticker, you can show your child where to put that colorful stickers.
This activity is great to develop eye-hand coordination skills.
I observed that for a 17 months old baby, it is not an easy task to put the dot sticker onto the white circles.
But because babies naturally have the high determination attitude to make what they want happen, eventually my baby got to place the dot stickers in the white dots.
Ready for spider fun?
Grab Your Download
Get your free Spider Do-a-Dot by clicking on the download button below.
Have fun!
Looking for Halloween-themed Dot Printables?
If you’re looking for Halloween-themed dot pages, check out our Halloween Dot here in the shop.