Watching Aurora With Kids From The Warmth of Cabin Hotel 1

Watching Aurora With Kids From The Warmth of Cabin Hotel

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Watching Aurora has been on my bucket list since few years back. But the thought of having to embrace the tough coldness always put us on hold. It’s bizarre to think of watching aurora with kids while having to stand the unusual extreme weather of -20C or -40C.

I don’t think I could stand the extreme weather either.

But to my surprise, eventually our family got to see the Aurora together in the warmth of our cabin hotel and Airbnb. Not under -20C, not even -10C. Unbelievable, right?

Well, let me share with you about the place named Lofoten, the magical destination where we met our first stunning Aurora.

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This is taken at about 4:20 pm, after sunset. The view is so breathtaking

Lofoten is an archipelago in Norway. It is situated above the Arctic Circle but surprisingly it is warmer than Oslo. This group of islands is draped by the Norwegian Sea. So I guess the sea’s current warmed up Lofoten and made it a bit warmer.

So far we experienced the coldest temperature at about -13C. Usually it is just around -3C to -1C. This is temperature on early February.

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Our Cabin Hotel

The day we arrived at Lofoten, we spend the night at a cabin hotel named Anker Brygge.

This cabin hotel use the concept of fisherman’s cabin. Which is a cabin house with red color. In our house there were 2 rooms each with toilet, a cosy living room with TV, a complete kitchen with dishwasher, fridge, microwave oven and cutleries and more.

The receptionist told us Aurora came the night before just behind the receptionist building.

We were so excited and hopeful but we also did not put much expectations, just so we don’t want to be too frustrated.

Upon returning from having meal at a restaurant, Maryam, our 5-years old insisted to play with snow outside our cabin. So my husband prep the kids and look after them, while at the same time he can look up any sign of Aurora at the sky.

The kids play happily outside with piles of snow. They swim in the snow, dunk into the snow even play snow angel together.

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This is right in front of our cabin house
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Hannah, our 3-years old
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Maryam getting tired after hours of playing outside. The Aurora are coming out at this time.

Glimpse of Aurora While The Kids Playing Snow

Suddenly my husband texted, ‘a sight of Aurora is coming’

What? I cannot believe it? Is it for real?

But I didn’t ask.

Quickly I jumped out of the bed with our 8-months baby Hajar, putting on some cover and went out. Baby Hajar was already sleepy. She’s cuddling with me in the baby carrier.

I saw my husband by the dock trying to set-up the camera.

I asked him, where is it? Well I can see white thing on the sky. Is that it? Or is that just a cloud?

Well, he bring his camera and take a snap of the white thing. Suddenly we saw the white thing became green in the camera’s screen!

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First it was just a white line by naked eyes. The camera got it green. Subhanallah.

Aurora? Unbelievable!

Oh my God. I can’t believe it! I almost shed my tears at this unbelievable sight.

Watching Aurora With Kids : An Impossible Dream Come True!

Just right outside in not so cold weather, while my kids are playing with pile of snow, in not so remote place, not total darkness and while I am baby carrying my sleeping baby Hajar; we met our first Aurora!

I still can’t believe it.

The white cloud suddenly spread bigger in the sky and it’s green color became more visible. Subhanallah.

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Muhammad, our 8-years old and my father took a snap under the green aurora. By this time, our eyes already see it is turning green.

Eventually the girls are getting tired and asked to get inside the home to sleep. So my husband and I had to take turn, one of us get to watch the Aurora while the other one put the girls to sleep.

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One with our 8-months baby Hajar who is sleeping soundly in the baby carrier.

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Lots of light because it’s fishing village here in Svolvaer, Lofoten. But the light still clear.
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My parents under the aurora light and beautiful starry night. This picture is taken just at the back of hotel receptionist’s building.

The awe-inspiring Aurora danced quite for some time until suddenly we saw a stripe of very bright green and purple Aurora coming from right side of the mountain.

Whoa! Those were very bright even to our naked eyes.

My jaw dropped as I hastily grab the camera to take it’s picture.

I still can’t believe it until today.

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View to behold. Subhanallah.

Watching Aurora with kids and baby is not impossible anymore.

No we don’t have to brace the extreme coldness.

No we don’t have to hunt for them.

The Aurora light will come to you and your kids when the sky is clear and the stars are bright.

Just come over to Lofoten at the north of Norway and get to Anker Brygge cabin hotel. Insya-Allah you will find the Aurora.

P.s : You can read our full, genuine and not-sponsored review about Anker Brygge cabin hotel. We love it so much that we want to share it with the world!

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  1. Hi Khadeejah! Awesome pictures!
    I’ve been wanting to go to Lofoten forever
    May I know which transportation method you take with kids to get to Lofoten?
    Did you fly to Bodo & take the ferry?
    Did you rent a car?

    Thank you!

    1. Hi!

      Sorry for my late reply. We fly from Malaysia.

      Our flight route : Malaysia > Dubai > Oslo > Bodo > Lofoten (Svolvaer)

      We didn’t take the ferry.

      From Svolvaer airport, we took taxi to our cabin hotel. Then the next day, we picked up our car. We rent a car that we picked up at Svolvaer, just within walking distance from our cabin hotel Anker Brygge.

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