Fun Dental Health Lesson Plan for Toddler and Preschool with 3 Main Activities
If you’re already here, I’m sure you’re looking for simple ideas for Dental Health lesson plan, right?
Come check out our lesson plan below; there are crafts, fine motor activities and counting activities.
Click the image below to download your Dental Health lesson plan.
We love routine.
This means the kids know what activity to expect for the day.
Every day would include activities for:
- ABC letters
- Fine motor activities
- Numbers and counting
#1: Letter Activities for Dental Health Lesson Plan
For ABC letter activities, we are doing some craft and a letter craft. Well, I don’t have much idea yet how to do letter craft. Let’s take a peek at the activities :
- Letter C craft for carrot (because carrot is good for teeth)
- Toothbrush craft
- Teeth craft (assemble the faces that include eyes, mouth and teeth)
- Tooth bag craft

Just print the printables and assemble the loose parts while discussing them with your kids.
Download the free Dental Health craft here.
#2: Fine Motor Skills
For fine motor skills, I’ve some fine motor activities from the Dental Health fine motor packet.

#3: Numbers and Counting
For numbers and counting to 10, your kids will have fun learning number sequence with the dental health number puzzles.
For counting to 10 activities, we are going to do some pizza-themed counting printables. I hope that’s okay with you. (you might want to let your kids know that eating pizza is fine as long as you brush your teeth afterwards)

Let’s recap our daily activities for the week.

It’s simple and plain fun.
Ready for a fun Dental Health week?
Download Your Free Dental Health Lesson Plan
Be sure to download the free Dental Health lesson plan here.
I’ve also included links to free and paid printable packets in the lesson plan.
Hope this helps your week.
Have fun.